Archives For Government


PODCAST AUDIO – (click to listen)

If you’re contemplating a bankruptcy ask yourself what is the end result? Relief from payments you can’t make? The ability to wipe the slate clean and start over?

If you’re afraid of filing bankruptcy you’re afraid of not being able to borrow money. You’re afraid of what people think of you.

Bankruptcy isn’t a cure. It’s the symptom of a deeper issue.

Mary Elizabeth Croft – book

Spiritual Economics Now – website

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2013 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved

Brain Wash

PODCAST AUDIO: (click to listen)

When we hear a news story about a police officer on a killing spree in CA, how do we know it’s true? We really don’t. We assume it’s true because, well, it’s on TV. We assume it’s true because everyone seems to be talking about it.

I’m challenging you to ask yourself why we feel the need to be concerned with an alleged crime in a state we don’t even live in. Unless I live in the community where the alleged killer is loose, it’s none of my business. And if you’re not in the state it’s happening in or a surrounding state it’s none of your business either.

All these news stories do is keep people in fear and spark gun control debate. These stories are being used as political tools of control and manipulation. Stop being misled and emotionally manipulated. Wake up America. Pay attention and I don’t mean to mainstream media. Put down the iphone, read a book, and look people in the eye when you talk to them.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2013 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved

082 DSR – Paper & Ink

January 30, 2013 — 2 Comments


What is it about paper and ink that fascinates us? What do you mean, Greg, paper and ink? I’m talking about laws. Laws start out as bills and eventually become a piece of paper with ink that government says you now are subject to obeying. If you don’t obey, you pay. Right?

So it stands to reason the more laws they write the more they can get you to pay. What does government do? It creates pieces of paper called laws. Every year they create more and more and more of these pieces of paper. And government keeps getting bigger and bigger. And you keep losing more and more of your freedom.

Why do we think we need things written on paper in order to live our lives? I hear you saying, “Without laws we’d live in total chaos.” Really? What about the laws of nature? What about the laws of the universe? They aren’t written on a piece of paper. They stand the test of time because we are able to observe them in action in nature over and over again. They are reliable and observable by everyone on the planet, regardless of culture or government. They are equally as unforgiving as they are generous.

Take a look at this system of government that’s choking the planet. It creates pieces of paper that tell you how you can and can’t live your life. And you pay for it in the form of taxation. Government doesn’t produce anything other than pieces of paper. And remember, behind every piece of paper (law) there’s a gun. A gun ready to take by force your time or money.

What other pieces of paper with ink do we see that have made life on this planet miserable? Look around you. Money is used to control everything. What is money? Paper with ink on it. Gotta have some, gotta have more, gotta “make” more. Right?

We don’t need pieces of paper to live our lives in harmony with each other. You showed up in this world with nothing in your pockets and you’ll leave this world the same. In the final analysis you can’t take anything with you. That includes pieces of paper whether they are laws or bills known as currency or money.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2013 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved

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There is a process that is occurring around the globe that will help reveal to you the truth of who you really are. The entire global financial system is a system of slavery. What if you were unknowingly made a participant when your birth certificate was issued?

This system of slavery has been in place for centuries. Truth is stranger than fiction. Listen to the above audio. Follow the links below. Open your mind.

This system is about to be brought to its knees. SomeONE beautiful will grow in its place. That one is you. No one can own you. What if you didn’t owe anyone any debt, monetary or otherwise? What if debt were always a fiction? Welcome to the truth of who you really are.

Heather Tuffi-Jarraf (audio)
Santos Bonacci: Syncretism – Mon & Tues 9 – 11 pm CST
Peoples Trust 1776

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2013 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved

Wake up and realize you can only be kept in a cage if you can’t see the bars.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” -Goethe.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2012 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved

Money’s all about counting right? How much do we have? How much did we lose? How much do we earn? How much are we worth, etc? I rarely use statistics. There’s a few reasons.

First of all, statistics can be used to prove any point a person wants to make. If you’re smart enough you can prove anything with statistics. Even if the numbers don’t appear to support your point.

Secondly, statistics are boring and take the human being element out of the conversation. I’m not going to reduce myself or anyone else to a mere number on a chart. It’s cold, lacks heart, and just doesn’t jive with how I roll.

Most importantly, statistics have a way of mesmerizing us. They have this weird hypnotic quality about them. And most folks seem to really get glassy eyed when the statistics are from some “authority figure.” Putting people into categories with numbers feels like lab rat stuff to me.

And you are much more than a number or lab rat. No doubt about it. I’m willing to bet you’re in the minority of free thinkers who are awake and don’t let statistics decide for you. Critical thinking is what I’m talking about.

I don’t need to puke a bunch of numbers on you to convince you something needs to change in The US economy. Of course I don’t. You look around and you know something ain’t jivin’ baby. Likewise, if your personal economy is lacking you don’t need a graph to explain it. You know because of how it feels.

So I choose to approach things from the human being side of your nature. If you hear something that really strikes a cord inside it’s because light recognizes light. I say let’s take this thing called learning about money “From the boardroom suite to the street.” Thank you Robert Wesley Branch for that quote.

You aren’t a number. The Social Security Administration may think otherwise. The IRS may think otherwise. Your insurance company may think otherwise. Don’t buy into it. You work the numbers. The numbers don’t work you. Money is a tool. Money is the slave and you are it’s master. Not the other way around.

Numbers are a sign post that point to an underlying behavior. Numbers show us effect or end result, not cause. If your savings account is consistently at a zero balance, the zero is an indication of your behavior. You have a seeming inability or unwillingness to save money. To solve that problem, you have to work on the cause (your behavior) not the effect (zero balance).

Shadow Statistics

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

What is a Bond?

November 22, 2012 — Leave a comment


Let’s say you buy a government bond. What exactly does that mean? Let’s break it down from the boardroom suite to the street.

When you buy a bond you are lending the government money. The government is too broke to fund its operations without perpetual debt. The government pays you back, plus interest, by taxing its citizens.

The profit you make minus taxes & depreciation means you make zero profit. It means it’s costing you money to lend money to the government.

Let’s use a simpler example. I’m the citizen, you’re the government.

I lend you $100 dollars (a bond). To make monthly payments you steal money from me (taxes). Is there anything in that equation that sounds good? If the answer is no, there’s hope for you.

If you think “investing” in government bonds is a great idea, I’m challenging you to think again. The US government is so broke it has to perpetually borrow money. It pays you back by stealing from you (taxes). The money it pays you back with is so worthless (inflation) that you’re losing money in the “investment.” Zero profit to you.

There’s nothing smart about the entire transaction. The average US citizen doesn’t know what a government issued bond is. So ignorance is the reason this crazy game called The US economy keeps being played. Buying government issued bonds isn’t an investment. It’s keeping the junkie with a needle in his arm. “Investing” in government issued bonds isn’t patriotic, it’s unhealthy for this nation.

If you want to turn this economy around you have to understand how it works and why it’s broken. Get educated. Apply what you learn in your life. Share by teaching others what you learn.

What is a Bond?

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

What if your vote didn’t count? What would that mean? At the very least, ask yourself, “How is my vote counted?”

The below resources will give you insight into a topic of discussion you won’t hear around the water cooler at work. Who counts your vote? Who makes these electronic voting machines? Who do they work for? Can the count be verified by a human being? Is there a paper trail?

The answers to these questions will probably shock and anger you. Are you brave enough to take a ride down this rabbit hole known as electronic voting machines? If you are, you’ll never think the same way again whether you vote or not.

Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century book
Hacking Democracy film

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com