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The “N” Word & Paula Dean.
Are you pissed The Pope is Catholic?

Wal Mart dropping her?
What about Asian sweat shops?

Can you spend words?
What can they buy?
What is their value?
Do they put bread on your table?

If you’re a hater you hate self.
If you’re a lover you love self.

If you’re a victim you prey on yourself.
If you’re a predator you victimize yourself.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

There is no need to copyright truth

strike sign

PODCAST AUDIO – click to listen

A recent fast food worker strike in New York was reported by CNN. It highlighted two issue that are meant to be red herrings. A red herring is a smoke screen or diversion to keep you from debating the real issue.

The real issue: Working in fast food doesn’t require a high level of skill. Therefore it doesn’t earn a high level of pay.

The red herring: Fast food workers aren’t paid fairly because they are minorities or foreigners.

Your hourly rate of pay is determined by one thing and one thing only. The fact you’re willing to work for that rate of pay. Nothing else. Race has nothing to do with it. Where you were born has nothing to do with it. Whether or not you are a single mom has nothing to do with it.

Feel underpaid? Learn more valuable skills that will pay you more in the marketplace. Don’t sit around and whine and go on strike. Your employer is only going to pay you as much as you are willing to accept. There are no villains here. You voluntarily walked in looking for a job. Your employer voluntarily pays you for your labor. Equal exchange.

CNN Money

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

There is no need to copyright truth

Brain Wash

PODCAST AUDIO: (click to listen)

When we hear a news story about a police officer on a killing spree in CA, how do we know it’s true? We really don’t. We assume it’s true because, well, it’s on TV. We assume it’s true because everyone seems to be talking about it.

I’m challenging you to ask yourself why we feel the need to be concerned with an alleged crime in a state we don’t even live in. Unless I live in the community where the alleged killer is loose, it’s none of my business. And if you’re not in the state it’s happening in or a surrounding state it’s none of your business either.

All these news stories do is keep people in fear and spark gun control debate. These stories are being used as political tools of control and manipulation. Stop being misled and emotionally manipulated. Wake up America. Pay attention and I don’t mean to mainstream media. Put down the iphone, read a book, and look people in the eye when you talk to them.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2013 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved