Archives For inflation


Fact: When you “borrow” money from a bank, the bank doesn’t have the money. You are literally creating the money when you sign the Promissory Note. And they’ve convinced you to pay back your money PLUS interest. What does this mean to you?

Tammy from AK replied: “Well if the devil danced in empty pockets, he’d have a ball in mine. Makes me ambivalent.”

You’re Broke Because You Want to Be – Larry Winget “Achieving economic freedom and prosperity by spending not lending all new money into circulation. Spend Em! Don’t Lend Em!

Give us a call on our voicemail listener feedback line at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

Debt Shepherd 2014, All Rights Reserved


When you choose to remain ignorant about how money really works, you are actually part of the problem. You can become part of the solution.

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” ― Albert Einstein

How Wall Street Fleeces America – by Stephen Lendman

Give us a call on our voicemail listener feedback line at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com


PODCAST AUDIO – click to listen

What is inflation?

Bricks and 2 X 4’s: Then and now.

Gold/Silver prices: The true barometer of inflation.

Inflation is a tax.

More dollars to buy same thing means you spend more time working and less time discovering the real you.


Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

There is no need to copyright truth.