Archives For Self Reliance

In this audio we discuss:
How long has health insurance been in America?
What’s happened to the cost in the last 15 yrs.
Why is it so expensive?
Your role in changing it if you’re not happy with what you’re paying.

Chuck Bartok’s MRI story. $2k via insurance. Had to call several local doctors to find one that took cash. Cost, $500.

According to the US Census Bureau, about 9% of Americans are covered under health insurance purchased directly by themselves, not through an employer.

Why is health care so expensive?
Not enough employees for discount?
Why all pitching money into large pot to get better rate?
Technology should mean higher volume, lower price.

I say it’s the cheap deductible.
I say no one looks at the itemized bill.
I say consolidation of power in insurance companies = monopoly on price.

Googled Ticker symbol for BlueCross/Blue Shield:
Top google hit: Wellpoint. takes you to Anthem

Other ways to ensure better health?
Improve your diet, exercise, quit smoking, start or improve your spiritual practice, maintain good financial health.

Health Care Cost Increases
WalMart dirty profit scheme
Big Bank dirty profit schemes

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Debt Shepherd 2016, All Rights Reserved

How to save money on kids birthdays and avoid conformity when making spending decisions.

a) Don’t try to force it when creating those special moments with your kids.
b) Don’t automatically think it takes money to create those memorable moments.

Instead of bringing presents to a kids birthday, how about guests spend that on food, venue rental, etc?

Example: $10/person X 10 people. = $100 plus the hosts $ input.

Child birthday near major holiday. Combine the two or not?

Debt Shepherd 2016, All Rights Reserved
Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.

Gratitude – 214 DSR

May 8, 2016

We learn that gratitude is an inside job.

1) What is it?

2) How do you get or experience it?

3) What if you lose it and want it back?

4) What are you grateful for?

Contrast: Surround yourself with the poor, sick, dying, hungry, mentally ill, etc.
Pronoia – Book

Gratitude is a matter of survival. Not a luxury.

Close: Change your perspective. Change where you’re standing. You’ll see something different. The biggest teacher can be the smallest nuance of change.

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Debt Shepherd 2016, All Rights Reserved


Smart ways to buy your teenagers first car. We interview Charlene from NC

Kelly Blue Book

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight
2015 Debt Shepherd, All Rights Reserved

Go within

Go Within or You’ll Go Without. What does it mean?
In this episode my friend pastor Ahyh and I:

1) Explain the metaphor of the topic.
2) Give a few examples of going within.
3) Give a few examples of going without.
4) Explore why do we feel anxiety when we’re disconnected from God?
5) Answer the question: How do you begin to learn to go within more often?

Pastor Ahyh
Brene Brown

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight
Debt Shepherd 2015, All Rights Reserved


Why do you use sex and money as tools to get what you want?

No matter how bad it gets, I’ll always have money.
Always be able to attract a mate.
Always be able to make up for mistakes.

No matter how bad it gets, I’ll always have sex.
If it gets bad, you can always have sex and forget about your problems.

Next time you’re tempted to use money or sex to get what you want, try to think of another way.
It’ll make you far more resourceful in the long run.

Sex, Money, Happiness, and Death: The Quest for Authenticity
by Manfred Kets de Vries

Give us a call on our voicemail listener feedback line at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com


Practical tips on how to save more of your “chips.”
Making money work harder for you instead of you working harder for your money.

1) Food
2) Clothing
3) House
4) Entertainment
5) Insurance

The Minimalists

Give us a call on our voicemail listener feedback line at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

There is no need to copyright truth


1) If we’re going to borrow money, why from a bank?
2) Why not from a family member?
3) Not having the money to lend is why we don’t.
4) Knowing people’s business is why we don’t.

– Draw up a promissory note. Take collateral (if possible). If a family member is irresponsible, don’t lend. If you borrower from a family member, pay it back. Don’t assume you don’t have to and it’s OK just because it’s family.

– Decrease dependency on banks (strangers), keep wealth in the family/community, teach each other to save/build wealth. Stop giving money to corporations that don’t care about you (Wall Street).

Resource: (micro lending around the world)
Lending Club

Give us a call on our voicemail listener feedback line at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com