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PODCAST AUDIO – (click to listen)

If you’re contemplating a bankruptcy ask yourself what is the end result? Relief from payments you can’t make? The ability to wipe the slate clean and start over?

If you’re afraid of filing bankruptcy you’re afraid of not being able to borrow money. You’re afraid of what people think of you.

Bankruptcy isn’t a cure. It’s the symptom of a deeper issue.

Mary Elizabeth Croft – book

Spiritual Economics Now – website

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2013 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved

079 DSR – Liquid Gold

January 11, 2013 — 1 Comment

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Liquid gold. Pure water. Distilled water. The Fountain of Youth.

Is it possible the fountain of youth doesn’t need to be found? What if it already exists within each human being? What if we each possess the key to long, healthy, vibrant life but have been distracted from this truth?

I’m committed to drinking a gallon of distilled water a day. Take the plunge. See what happens. Prove them wrong if you’re a skeptic. I don’t know about you but I like to be a bit of a guinea pig and experiment with new ideas if they ring true.

Aquarius The Water Bearer website
Andrew Norton Webber Interview video
The Choice Is Clear book

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2013 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved


There are a seemingly few rare moments in life when knowledge is revealed to us that is so big we are in awe of it’s magnitude. I recently had one of those moments and knew it needed to be shared immediately.

Why A Bank?
Have you ever wondered why they call the place you go get money a “bank?” Where did this word come from and why is it used this way? It’s pretty simple once you see it in your mind.

The River
Picture a river. Nice and calm and serene. The river has two sides that are called banks. We say I sat on the bank of the river or I sat on the river bank and watched the water flow.

The River Bank
What do these river banks do? They contain, direct, and control the flow or current of the water. Pretty simple. Wherever the bank of the river goes, so goes the current. The bank contains the current or flow.

The Money Bank
You walk into a building called a bank and you’re there to borrow or deposit money. What does this bank do? It contains, directs, and controls the flow of curren(t)cy. See the parallel between this bank and the bank of the river?

What Is Money?
Money is a false representation of your labor, life force, or energy. You go to work and exert energy and in exchange you get a piece of paper called currency. It’s why we’re so preoccupied with money. We think money is our life force.

The Power
We go to a bank hoping they’ll be gracious enough to lend us some “curren(t)cy”, or life force.

When we think of a river bank we think of flowing water. If there’s one thing you literally can’t live without, it’s WATER. The connection between a river bank, water, and a building called a bank is not accidental. These are universal archetypes (whether conscious or subconscious) of nearly everyone on the planet.

No wonder banks have become so powerful and out of control. We’ve been duped into thinking they hold the key to our life force. Do you see the connection? These money changers are nothing more than priests who have convinced us we need them to live. They’ve convinced us they are the middle men between us and our own power.

The Matrix
12/23/2013 The Federal Reserve Bank will be 100 years old. The only reason it’s gotten so big, powerful and corrupt is because it knows the secret I just revealed to you. This bank does not contain, direct, or control the flow of your life force. It just wants you to keep believing it does. This secret is the brick and mortar of The Matrix. Those that control the money control the world, but only if you allow them.

Got Some Change?
You can change it. Stop using the banking system. Get out of debt and stay out. Don’t use their “curren(t)cy” or cash. Learn to trade and barter with people you know for the things you need. This monster called The Federal Reserve Bank can be killed. It must be starved. Stop feeding the monster.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2012 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved


I’d like to introduce you to a radio show producer named Mikial Moore. His show is called Grown Soul & Real Talk. He recently asked me to be a featured guest on his show. When I said yes, I had no idea how wild of a ride it was going to be!

For 2.5 hrs. we talked about money as it relates to relationships and marriage. We covered a lot of how the economy really works. More importantly, we discussed real solutions for regular folks.

Follow the resource link below to hear the entire 2.5 hrs. We “Chop It Up” with his two co-hosts and really expose the system for what it is. It’s a rigged game that you and I weren’t meant to win. And there’s something you can do to change it.

If you’re sick and tired of getting kicked around by inflation, unemployment, or taxes then this show is for you. It’s a little spicy, so parental discretion is advised. The Debt Shepherd lets his hair down in this one. We cut to the bone and tell it like it is. Unfiltered for your leisurely consumption. Enjoy.

Grown Soul & Real Talk

Why is profit so much more important than just saving money on a monthly payment? Saving on a monthly payment is short term thinking. Profit is long term thinking.

Your personal finance plan needs more than just buying at the cheapest price. Don’t fall into the minimum monthly payment trap. You’ll never get out. It’s why people stay in debt forever. If the payment fits their budget, they buy.

You have to look at the bigger picture. Total wealth impact is the big picture. How will this purchase affect my savings, 401k, etc. over the long term? What is the total amount of interest I’ll pay over the life of the loan?

Saving on a monthly payment is fine, if you apply the savings to an investment that will make you a profit. Next time a salesman says they can save you money, tell them you’re only interested in making a profit.

To Your Financial Freedom,
Greg Whitaker

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email.

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“In (his book) Make Your Money Count, Jim (Munchbach) notes four types of people he’s identified during his 22 years of experience as a financial services professional:

1) Those who are buried in debt but continue to spend even though they’re consumed with anxiety about money.
2) Those who live barely above water and are always “one paycheck from disaster.”
3) Those who have bucks in the bank but are still worried about their finances.
4) Those whose lives are full of purpose and contentment and who connect their resources to what matters most.”

Which type of person are you? Be sure to check out Jim’s site He’s got a very cool podcast so audio is on the menu.

Buy the book: Make Your Money Count – Connecting Your Resources to What Matters Most

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email.


Show Notes:
What was the money talk when you were growing up?
How do you discuss money with your spouse or partner?
Financial illiteracy is killing America.

Financial illiteracy is killing America article

My Response to the above article:
I enjoyed the article. Financial illiteracy is a problem. Have we been dumbed down by technology? Are we producing generations of drooling zombies via TV? Has the intellectual financial backbone of this country become arthritic?

I’ve been an ambassador for financial literacy since 2006. Thank you for taking the fight to your readers and telling them in no uncertain terms ignorance is the problem. I’m very disappointed the bottom of the first page of the article says “sponsored by Visa.”

The last page of your article refers to people as “consumers.” This word means to use up or destroy. Do we believe we’ll never have enough?

Once we realize our happiness and source of life is within ourselves and not in what we can buy with worthless, paper debt instruments (dollars), we’ll once again rise up individually and as a people and discover our true power is within.

Start a conversation about money at home.
Listen to money talk at work, church, etc.

Personal finance education starts with you.
Ignorance just means lack of knowledge and can be remedied.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email