Archives For water


The importance of drinking purer, cleaner water

To get your mind straight, clean up your body. This is part 1 of a 5 part series.

– Clean up the vessel. Your body is a machine. Cleaner fuel – better performance. Body about 80% water or Hydrogen & Oxygen
– Drinking Water. Fluoride. Dissolved Solids/organs
– Shower Water. Shower head filter. Chlorine. Softer skin.
– Cologne & Shampoo. Skin largest organ. You drink what you put on your skin/head or hair. Can you water a tree with your cologne/perfume?

Aquarius The Water Bearer – Distilled Water
Showerwise – Shower Head I Use
Dr Bronner – Organic Soap

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight
2015 Debt Shepherd, All Rights Reserved


Your most valuable asset isn’t money, gold, 401k, or stock. It is, of course, your mind. Everything else comes from here.

Clean up your mind, clean up your life. Not happy with what’s showing up in your life? Clean up what’s going into your mind. TV, radio, magazines are all sources of mind garbage. Be careful what you bring into your mind.

The Three Basics:

Air – Learn to breathe deeply in meditation. Spirit is air. Practice whole body breathing. When you inhale you should feel your stomach expanding outward. You aren’t breathing from the chest.

Water – Drink the purest water possible. It isn’t tap water. You need distilled or reverse osmosis. Distilled water is a vacuum that pulls out the toxins and non-organic matter in the body. Your body is 70% water. Drink 1/2 to 1 gallon of it a day and see what happens.

Food – Avoid foods that are acidic. Examples of acidic foods: bread, all meats, dairy, pasta, chocolate, alcohol, coffee, tobacco. Acidity is dis-ease. Alkaline is health. These are basic laws of the universe and how creation occurs. Eat alkaline foods.

Clean up the above three areas and you’ll see radical change in your life.

Input = Output
Clean mind = Higher vibration
Clean body = Higher vibration
Higher vibration = Enlightenment

Fluoride Action Network (water)
The Choice Is Clear (water)

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

2013 Copyright – Greg A. Whitaker – All Rights Reserved