Cartel Bank – 241 DSR

February 6, 2018

HSBC launders drug cartel money in US Banks. The US government allows it. Here’s why….

Netflix documentary “Dirty Money”
Episode: Cartel Bank
HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp)

2012 Deferred Prosecution Agreement
1.2B fine, 5 yrs “probation”
12/2017 charges dropped in Eastern NY court.

US Gov’t knowingly allows large banks to launder drug cartel & terrorist money.
US 2nd in illicit money flows, 2nd only to Switzerland (Wall Street on Parade article).
illict money flows – tax free haven for the rich, shell corporations, etc.

Overview –
WSJ Article: “A 2016 congressional report into the settlement found that Justice Department
officials overruled internal recommendations to pursue a criminal prosecution, in part to avoid
disrupting the global financial system. The DOJ at the time of the report said it was committed
to holding individuals and corporations responsible for their conduct.”

US gov’t did not pursue criminal prosection. Why? In part, to avoid disrupting the global financial system.

Wall Street Journal (12/2017 article)

Wall Street on Parade

Narco Dollars for Dummies – “How the Money Works” in the Illicit Drug Trade by Catherin Austin Fitts

Debt Shepherd 2018, All Rights Reserved

Do you take your debts with you when you die?

This show topic is inspired by a text from a listener and former student of Debt Shepherd. Brenda G. on the east coast of The US.
who asked, “Is there a metaphysical relationship between death and debt? Do we carry debt over into the next realm?”

1) Do we carry debt over into the afterlife? Karma. Do unresolved issues stay with us if/when we are reborn?

Is our thinking about money, abundance, etc formed after we get here? Or is it part of the part of us that isn’t physical, that we already were before our bodies showed up?

2) Credit Cards and The Rapture

Co-worker in mortgage business once said, “I’m not worried about paying off my credit cards. The rapture is near and when Jesus comes, I’m outta here.” That was about 10 yrs ago. I’m not sure he still has that outlook, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

As far as karma goes. What comes around goes around is a good adage in the here and now regardless of our thoughts, feelings, around the afterlife.

I don’t recommend an attitude toward debt of, “Screw it, when I die I don’t have to pay these debts/bills.” I say clean it up best you can while you’re here.

Ever treated an old, unpaid debt like death? You put it out of your mind for a while but it keeps coming back to bother you. You’re afraid the debt collector will come calling some day when least expected, kinda like the grim reaper?

Irony. Word Mortgage. Mort means death. MORTician, RigorMORTis. MORTgage. The word debt kinda sounds like death a bit. Think about it.


Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Debt Shepherd 2018, All Rights Reserved

What are you standing so close to that you no longer see?

Todays episode title idea via Michael Tsarion @

When something is so close to me, I don’t see/appreciate it anymore.

Can’t see the forest for the trees. The forest is invisible to me due to my proximity/distance to the tree directly in front of me. Tunnel vision.

1) What am I focusing on that is causing me to miss what else is around me? My paycheck is too small. My boss is a jerk. My co-workers don’t understand me, etc. All the while not seeing this is how I feed, clothe, and provide for my family.

2) What am I looking at every day, while not seeing it, that is causing me to no longer appreciate it’s beauty, quality, character, potential? Stand in the mirror. Negative body image? Why?
If all you see is weight, you’re missing the amazing things your body does for you.

I’m not saying accept/tolerate what you don’t agree with or accept.

Too much weight? Change your diet.

Not making enough money? Increase your value to the company and negotiate more pay.

Too much debt? Stop spending and pre-pay existing debts. Car payment depress you? Forgetting that car gets you to work every day so you can eat, sleep comfortably, live your life.

Resource: – Michael Tsarion

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Debt Shepherd 2017, All Rights Reserved

Are you pretending to be happy at work or in life?

The idea for this episode title came from watching 2 celebrity interviews of the Netflix series: Stranger Things 2. I didn’t get thru the 2nd interview because….

Then it occurred to me: Why would someone elect a person to public office whose paid profession was pretending to be someone or something they weren’t? Actors get paid to fake it, to cause me to feel something, etc.

What does this have to do with money? Quite a bit. Elected officials are intimately connected to spending tax payers dollars. They run for office on the currency of their celebrity.

You elect them because of the characters they played who were likable, honest, self sacrificing, heroic, etc.

1) Are you going to a job and pretending to enjoy, like or tolerate it? “If I didn’t need this job, I’d tell my boss to where to go…”

2) Do you use money to pretend to have something you don’t, feel something you don’t or be someone you aren’t? This could include climbing the corporate ladder. Why?

3) Do you tell yourself, “If I just had more money, I’d finally be happy or happier? My problems would be solved, I’d be accepted, etc.” More money could be a raise at your current job or a large windfall.

Thoughts to ponder:
Isn’t another type of Paid Pretender a prostitute?

If I’m pretending or lying to myself about my happiness at my profession, am I prostituting myself to my employer? You perform an act or service, they give you money?

1) What would it take to not “need” your job? How about not need it as much? Less debts can = more options.

2) If I just had more money. How much is “more”? When will it be enough?

3) If you wait for more money before you live your dreams, you’ll never live them. They’ll always be just dreams.

The Man Who Quit Money – by Mark Sundeen

Visit the podcast page.

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Debt Shepherd 2017, All Rights Reserved

LOL vs LOM – 237 DSR

October 21, 2017

Who is responsible for your current financial situation?

1) Perspective – What is poor? What is rich? Where do you look to get your ideas of both? How long do those ideas stay with you?
Media influence.

2) Where are you starting from? Increasing or decreasing?

3) Why change? Necessity or luxury?

4) Environmental Determinism. Are we products of our environment? Start poor, stay poor. Start rich, stay rich.

Who is responsible for your current financial situation? You, your parents, your grandparents, your spouse, gov’t?
In the mean time (while waiting for someone else/thing to change).
This is about taking personal responsibility. Own it.
Power of action instead of blame.


Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Debt Shepherd, 2017. All Rights Reserved

Poverty, Inc. – 236 DSR

September 4, 2017

“Fighting poverty is big business. But who profits most?”


2015 Documentary Film
Winner of over 50 international film festival honors

This isn’t a film review. More a discussion urging you to examine why you give to foreign aid or any charity for that matter.

1) Who are these organizations? NGO’s, UN, Soles for Souls, World Vision, etc.

2) Am I giving due to a temporary crisis? Earthquake, flood, tsunami, etc.

3) How long after the headlines are over do you pay attention to the recipient country’s situation?

4) Foreign Aid is highly government subsidized.

i.e: The US rice company sends rice to Haiti. Haitians get it for free. The US sender gets money from the government, you the tax payer. Local Haitian rice farmers are put out of business. People become dependent on long term aid (food, clothing, etc). Not to mention the rice company who sends it doesn’t have to compete with Haitian rice farmers in a free market. Monopoly creation.

Welfare/charity that isn’t temporary, becomes dependency. This is economic addiction, paternalism, colonialism (pc = democracy).

Institutions in power don’t want poverty to end. It’s a way to control large portions of the population. If institutions who “fight cancer” cured it, they’d be out of jobs.

Resource: / Poverty Inc (film)

Get your mind straight. Get your money straight.

Debt Shepherd 2017, All Rights Reserved

Let’s talk about digital currency and the privacy it gives you. Not to mention not paying transaction fees.

What is Bitcoin? Digital coin. Digital Currency

The bit is a basic unit of information used in computing and digital communications. A binary digit can have only one of two values, and may be physically represented with a two-state device. These state values are most commonly represented as either a 0 or 1.

– Way for two parties to exchange money without third party interference/fees ie: government, banks, PayPal, Western Union, etc.
– Avoidance of paying fees for the facilitation of the transaction.
– Bitcoin essentially cuts the fee charging entities out of the transaction.
– Commerce with privacy.
– Gives those without access to bank accounts the ability to transact as long as they have access to a computer (library, internet café, etc). Western Union does this but charges fees and can take longer depending on method of payment and receipt.
– Transactions are logged in the blockchain and buyer/seller remain anonymous.
– Federal Reserve Bank has been controlling the creation, distribution, and sale of money for 104 years. Do you think they see bitcoin as a threat? Yes, because they can’t inflate the bitcoin supply and charge you a hidden tax (inflation).
– In it’s infancy.
– Same as cashless society? Gov’t idea of a cashless society still involves The Federal Reserve in control. Bitcoin’s idea of a cashless society does not.
– What if you worked and when you got paid your deposit was in Bitcoin instead of “dollars?”

Banking on Bitcoin – 1 hr 23 min (documentary movie) Netflix.
Coinbase – Buy & sell digital currency

Debt Shepherd 2017, All Rights Reserved

8 Hour Work Day – 234 DSR

August 19, 2017

Why do we work 8 hours a day?

The United States Adamson Act in 1916 established an eight-hour day, with additional pay for overtime, for railroad workers. This was the first federal law that regulated the hours of workers in private companies. The United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Act in Wilson v. New, 243 U.S. 332 (1917).

The eight-hour day might have been realized for many working people in the US in 1937, when what became the Fair Labor Standards Act was first proposed under the New Deal. As enacted, the act applied to industries whose combined employment represented about twenty percent of the US labour force. In those industries, it set the maximum workweek at 40 hours, but provided that employees working beyond 40 hours a week would receive additional overtime bonus salaries.

8 hrs work, 8 hrs recreation, 8 hrs sleep – Australia

1) Why 40 hrs/week other than that it’s law? We’ve been trained? It’s what capitalism requires?

2) What are your options? Four 10 hr days = 40 hrs week. Be your own boss, set your own hrs? It depends. Can you cut your hours and still serve your customers?

3) Do the math and see at 35 hrs week, could you pay your bills?
If not, look at adjusting your bills. Less house, car, credit card, entertainment.

4) What’s important? If you don’t have kids, do the math and ask those who have kids what they’re really spending. Don’t forget to ask how much $ help they’re getting from family.

Debt Shepherd 2017, All Rights Reserved