Archives For The Economy


Black Friday is once again fast approaching. Take a closer look at what you’re doing and why when you shop. Retail therapy? Consumer addiction? Patriotism? Boredom?

It’s none of those. Black Friday is Americans acting like sheep and allowing themselves to be trained by advertising & media. You’ve been led to believe that consuming is how you define yourself.

Your self image is what determines everything in your life. I am…… You fill in the blank. Whatever you fill that blank with is how you live your life. Are you a $150 pair of shoes? Are you a pair of designer jeans? Of course not.

If you define yourself by what you have, you’ll never know happiness. Materially speaking, you were born with nothing and you’ll die with nothing.

I’ve never seen an armored truck at a funeral, have you?

If you feel your spending has gotten out of control, there’s help:
Shopaholics Anonymous

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com


I’d like to introduce you to a radio show producer named Mikial Moore. His show is called Grown Soul & Real Talk. He recently asked me to be a featured guest on his show. When I said yes, I had no idea how wild of a ride it was going to be!

For 2.5 hrs. we talked about money as it relates to relationships and marriage. We covered a lot of how the economy really works. More importantly, we discussed real solutions for regular folks.

Follow the resource link below to hear the entire 2.5 hrs. We “Chop It Up” with his two co-hosts and really expose the system for what it is. It’s a rigged game that you and I weren’t meant to win. And there’s something you can do to change it.

If you’re sick and tired of getting kicked around by inflation, unemployment, or taxes then this show is for you. It’s a little spicy, so parental discretion is advised. The Debt Shepherd lets his hair down in this one. We cut to the bone and tell it like it is. Unfiltered for your leisurely consumption. Enjoy.

Grown Soul & Real Talk

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This loan will take 8.3 years to pay the balance. Total interest paid is $7,977.

How does the bank do this? You deposit $8,000 into your CD, checking, or savings account. Your bank pays you a whopping 1 to 2% interest for the use of your money. They turn around and lend it out and charge 19% to their customers.

Those same customers might or might not have $8,000 on deposit with the bank. Your bank is making $8,000 in interest for the use of your money. That’s a 100% return on investment for the bank. And they have the nerve to charge you an overdraft fee of $30.00 if you make a mistake in your checkbook ledger and get overdrawn once in a blue moon.

We are NOT winning this game. It was built so we would lose. Ever wonder why you can never seem to get ahead even if you’re not a spender and are a saver? Inflation is eroding your purchasing power. Inflation is an intentional tax. It’s caused when The Federal Reserve prints more money. And they call is “easing.” Easing what? Easing the pain their profit margin might feel.

The banking system known as The Federal Reserve is the most insidious system of economic slavery the world has ever known. And it’ll be 100 years old on 12/23/2013. I don’t know about you, but I won’t be sending a card or buying a birthday cake.

What to do? Get out of debt as quickly as possible. Learn to barter. Pay cash. That’s a start.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email.


You hear a lot about The Federal Reserve “stimulating” the economy in hopes of fixing it. The boys over at remind us you can’t fix the problem with more of the problem.

We can, however, fix the way we think about how we spend money and consume and live and act and behave. Too many years of overindulgence have caught up with us. Problem is we don’t want to come off the drugs called cheap credit and hyper consumerism.

I know, I know, it’s tough to swallow. The system tells you it’s patriotic to spend and you’re un-American if you don’t. Financially secure or patriotic, which is more important?

The bottom line is this. The only way we’re going to turn this thing around and keep it turned around is one person at a time. We can’t write more laws and pile them on top of more laws and expect people to change their behavior.

Personal responsibility is where it’s at.

I challenge you to look at your economy and ask where can I live with less? How about cable TV with 200 channels and you only watch 3? How about those 3 packs of cigarettes a day? How about that trip to the mall twice a month to buy the latest fashion trend? How about that bass boat you never use but bought because your next door neighbor has one? Did you finance that, by the way? Ouch!

The Minimalists

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email.

“The difficulty is that in many ways our welfare systems and philanthropic bodies are geared in the opposite direction – people are defined primarily by what they lack, and they will be very grateful and cooperative, but otherwise passive, when that is provided. Moreover, they quickly learn that to get more help the quickest and most efficient route is to display more problems.” – The Co-Production Principle & Time Dollars – a report by David Boyle

Why doesn’t welfare work?
Does it empower people?
Why do you feel guilty?

The Co-Production Principle & Time Dollars – a report by David Boyle

If someone asks for money, engage them to become a co-producer.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email.

What you send may be read on the air and used as part of the show.

What is time banking?
exchanging an hour of your time providing a service, skill, etc. You earn a “credit” of one hour in your time bank account. You can then “spend” that 1 hour credit to receive a service, skill, etc. from another.

Replacing Currency
Is it possible?
Will the economy collapse?

Building sustainable communities
Value for equal value

What is money?
Why do we work for X dollars/hour?
Who invented this system?

Bartering (trade for trade)
debt elimination

Time Dollars – By Edgar Cahn and Jonathan Rowe. This is the earliest book written about Time Dollars. It explains how the things we used to do for one another have turned into things we have to buy and introduces you to Time Dollar pioneers who have lead the way out of our money bind.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email.

What you send may be read on the air and used as part of the show.

Is the current economic model of a corporation sustainable?  We’re talking the old pyramid style of management here.  The people at the top of the pyramid have all the power and get paid the most money.  Decisions are made at “the top” and passed down thru the food chain.

The grassroots foundation, cubicle workers, doesn’t have any input into decisions about the company or it’s operations.  Profit is the sole purpose of the corporaitons existence.  The harder cubicle workers work, the more the boardroom wants to put profit on the spreadsheet.  It’s never enough.  And your soul is paying the price.

Ever heard the term “work smarter, not harder?”  That’s double speak from the corporation for “We loved your last pound of flesh, but you really need to lean in and give us some more!”

I’m not making the corporation the bad guy.  I’ve worked in corporations and know the environment.  I’ve worked for the ultimate corporation, The United States Military.  I know what it’s like to feel like a cog in the wheel.  I’m not raining pity on the little guy here either.  Wherever you’re working you’re doing it by choice.  If it’s sucks, leave.

What I am saying is this.  More and more people will eventually unplug (not necessarily by choice) from wanton consumerism in America.  And they’ll be forced to wake up and realize they don’t need to work 40+ hours a week to enjoy a comfortable life.  When you don’t have any debt, you don’t have to keep volunteering your soul to the corporation every day.

It all gets back to why you’re doing what you’re doing.  If cubicle labor works for you, I say do it.  If it doesn’t work for you, there’s another way to live.  Getting out of debt is one way to live that other way.  No debt, no obligation to stay and trade your life away to The Company Store.  

To answer the question in the episode title “The Death of The Corporation?” I say yes. The body is dying. But it won’t go willingly and without a fight as it gasps it’s last soul sucking, profit pushing, breath. You can help hasten it’s death by not needing it to survive.

Standard of living is NOT the same as quality of life.  Would you rather work 50-60 hrs. a week and have lots of stuff with no time to enjoy it or work 20-30 hrs. a week, less stuff, and more piece of mind?  I’m leaning toward less hours, more sanity.  Hope to see you on the sanity side.

Book – When Corporations Rule The World by David Corten

Reading – blog post

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email

What you send may be read on the air and used as part of the show.

017 Quantitative Easing

July 12, 2012 — 2 Comments

Quantitative Easing explained in simple language. If you print your own money it’s counterfeiting and you’ll do prison time. When The Federal Reserve does it it’s called “Quantitative Easing” and people worship them for it.

Links for you:
Wealth Cycles Newsletter
Quantitative Easing Video
How Wall Street Fleeces America

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email