065 DSR – Broke But Not Poor

November 25, 2012 — Leave a comment

Broke is temporary. Poor is a state of mind and often may be permanent. The difference between the two is huge. I used to say when I met my wife I was broke or “temporarily unfunded” as we now like to joke.

Even saying “I’m broke” is a habit we should work to end. Why? The word broke is the word broken. When you say you’re broke what’s really coming out is, “I’m broken.” Not an affirmation I want to repeat, how about you?

We’ve been led to believe if we don’t have any money, somehow it makes us less whole as human beings. I say we should all know what it means to be broke, but not poor. Just as we should learn to be alone but not lonely. The distinction is massive because we’re talking about state of mind.

Your bank account is not who you are. Your clothes aren’t who you are. Michael Tsarion has this to say about fashion, “The hidden purpose of fashion is to decorate our inauthentic lives.” Are you decorating your life with more clothes, money, etc? Why?

We judge others by the amount of money they do or don’t make and do or don’t leave their heirs upon death. What do you think when you hear, “He died penniless?” We often make a massive assumption the person was reckless or maybe even lazy.

The most important thing we should ask ourselves is, “Who am I without money?” A good place to start learning to ask that question is in the book I’ve recommended below.

The Man Who Quit Money

Greg Whitaker

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Greg is a financial wellness educator, tireless ambassador for financial literacy, and the founder of Debt Shepherd.

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