Giving Is Important

July 4, 2011 — Leave a comment

Try to get in the habit of giving away a portion of your income. 10% is commonly referred to as tithing. If you aren’t a church goer no biggie. Give to a person, place, or organization where you are spiritually fed.

If 10% is too much, don’t sweat it. Try 5%, or 2% or an amount that you’re comfortable with. The point is to just get started.

When you give a portion of your income back, it’s an opportunity to participate in the unlimited abundance of the universe. Let it be a normal part of your personal finance routine.

You’ll be surprised how easy it is once you get in the habit. And believe it or not, you can give away a portion of your income and still become debt free!

To Your Financial Freedom,
Greg Whitaker

Greg Whitaker

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Greg is a financial wellness educator, tireless ambassador for financial literacy, and the founder of Debt Shepherd.

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