Saving Money

May 3, 2011 — Leave a comment

I’d like to introduce you to a really simple, cool concept called “a dime of every dollar”. It’s nothing new. A few ways to describe it are tithing, paying yourself first, or saving for a rainy day. Whatever you choose to call this simple idea, I promise you (from my own experience) it’s POWERFUL!

– saving a dime of every dollar takes discipline
– it’s a habit that doesn’t take long to form
– once you start, you’ll be amazed how easy it is
– your money thoughts affect every area of your life
– your checkbook ledger is the window to your soul
– where you spend says what’s most important to you
– more money won’t solve your problems
– more money makes you more of what you already are
– terrible with $25k/year? You’ll be worse with $50k/year

Let me clarify an important point that tithing is different from saving money. One you give to where you’re spiritually fed, the other you keep in your pocket. And if you’ve never done either one that’s OK.  I’m simply trying to help you wrap your mind around the idea.  10% of your income should be used for something other than debt payments, living expenses, or just blowing it.

If you work Monday thru Friday for 40 hrs, then 4 hrs/week is 10% right? So a dime of every dollar just means from 8am to 12noon (4 hrs) on Monday you’re working for you! You’re going to set that money aside each payday and either save it or give it somewhere that is important to you.  Notice I said “save” or “give”, not SPEND.

You are not a consumer as consume means to destroy or use up.  You are a creator, a giver, a source of life.  Saving money means you care about you. Saving for investing, self-care, or a vacation? Saving money isn’t that hard to do. You just have to get started today!

To Your Financial Freedom,
Greg Whitaker

© Greg Whitaker 2011, All rights reserved

Greg Whitaker

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Greg is a financial wellness educator, tireless ambassador for financial literacy, and the founder of Debt Shepherd.

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