133 DSR – Neisha From CA – Interview

October 10, 2013 — 1 Comment


Facebook post. Picture of a church billboard:
Non-Tither’s Board – Would a man rob God?

Would a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me.
But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee?
In tithes and offering. – Malachi 3:8

Rob –
1. to take something from (someone) by unlawful force or threat of violence; steal from.
2. to deprive (someone) of some right or something legally due.
3. to plunder or rifle (a house, shop, etc.).
4. to deprive of something unjustly or injuriously.

Tithe = Tenth or Ten
Ten = Net

Give and Take – Give with expectation of something in return.
-vs- Gifting (giving without expectation). Gifting is Receiving simultaneously.

Fear contracts / Releasing fear expands

Jesus was a Capricorn (12/25)
Ruling Planets = Saturn
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. In ancient Roman mythology, Saturn was the father of many of the gods.

Earth = Heart
Plant = Planet

Cell Phone – short for cellular, right?
What is a cell? A cage, prison, enclosure.

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greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

There is no need to copyright truth

Greg Whitaker

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Greg is a financial wellness educator, tireless ambassador for financial literacy, and the founder of Debt Shepherd.

One response to 133 DSR – Neisha From CA – Interview

  1. Hello Greg,

    as much as I enjoyed listening to your show, there a some facts that you guys got wrong:

    1. You guys went to churches that were neither biblical nor did your pastors knew how to “rightly divide the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Tithing is a concept that ONLY applies to the Old Testament. Tithes were brought into the temple. In the New Testament a temple in the sense of a building does not exist anymore, Therefore it does not apply to Christians today. In fact the BODYS of Christians are the temple of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Also tithes were never used in a way that the Old Testament priests would become rich.

    2. The Catholic Church is NOT the original church. In fact the bible makes it very clear that the Catholic Church is an apostate church!!! It is responsible for countless of deaths of true bible believing christians thoughout the centuries and in the book of revelation it is described as the “whore of Babylon” who gets “drunk by the blood of the saints”! (Revelation 17:6 -> “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.”) The meaning of saints in the bible is “true bible believing christian”. There is no other institution on this earth that has tortured and murdered more true born again christians than the Roman Catholic Church! The true church submitts to the bible. The Catholic Church does NOT submit, instead it puts their own traditions above the word of God. The Catholic Church was founded by the emperor Konstantin in the 3rd century. Before Christianity was split into many groups, but Konstantin thought he should streamline the faith so that it would become more powerful and an instrument to rule his roman empire. The RCC is Satans counterfit of a church. Therefore the strange symbols you find in there. You don’t find this in an oldfashioned protestant church. Martin Luther and John Calvin tried to get rid of all of this satanic heathen symbolism during the time of reformation in the 15th / 16th century, resulting in the protestant faith as a protest against catholic synchretism with the heathen world. However, today we see many protestants going back to catholicism in essence by abandoning the truths of the bible.

    By the way, it is not a biblical idea to use the christian faith for personal material gain or power! This was entirely Konstantins idea. The Christians who did not submit to his concepts were tortured and killed. This is what the Catholic Church has done until the 19th century. It has also adopted many heathen pratices, that do NOT appear in the bible, which leads me to Christmas.

    3. Christmas was invented by the Catholic Church to make a substitute for the heathen festival of beltane (changing of the sun). It does nowhere appear in the bible, in fact Jesus was NOT born on December 25th, instead it is much more likely that he was born in autumn.

    “Was Jesus born on December 25, or in December at all? Although it’s not impossible, it seems unlikely. The Bible does not specify a date or month. One problem with December is that it would be unusual for shepherds to be “abiding in the field” at this cold time of year when fields were unproductive. The normal practice was to keep the flocks in the fields from Spring to Autumn. Also, winter would likely be an especially difficult time for pregnant Mary to travel the long distance from Nazareth to Bethlehem (70 miles). A more probable time would be late September, the time of the annual Feast of Tabernacles, when such travel was commonly accepted. Thus, it is rather commonly believed (though not certain) that Jesus’ birth was around the last of September.”

    “So, why was December 25 chosen to remember Jesus Christ’s birth with a mass (or Communion supper)? Since no one knows the day of his birth, the Roman Catholic Church felt free to chose this date. The Church wished to replace the pagan festival with a Christian holy day (holiday). The psychology was that is easier to take away an unholy (but traditional) festival from the population, when you can replace it with a good one. Otherwise, the Church would have left a void where there was a long-standing tradition, and risked producing a discontented population and a rapid return to the old ways.”

    (source: http://christiananswers.net/christmas/mythsaboutchristmas.html)

    I would like to encourage you to watch this series so that your eyes might be opened: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=221sYyagu2I

    4. if you think that God is not a person but the universe, you fell prey to the gnostic heresy that the apostle Paul speaks about.

    5. If you think other gods exist beside the one true triune GOD of christianity, than you have fallen prey to Satan, who has invented all of these other gods and religions. Satan is in the businness of mimicking and counterfitting the true biblical faith. All these other religions are nothing but counterfits to Christianity to mislead people so that they would not find salvation.

    6. I do indeed believe that the bible contains everything that is necessary to live the christian life. If people nowadays have revelations outside the bible, they most likely stem from demons.

    7. If you have made bad experiences with the false health & wealth gospel, listen to this show: http://www.fightingforthefaith.com/ . Chris Roseborough analyses and dissects all of these wrong sermons.


    Rebecca Awe

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