What is Money?

May 4, 2011 — Leave a comment

The answer to the question “What is Money” is probably as clear as muddy water for most. You think you know what it is because it’s something you don’t really stop and think about. It’s like putting your pants on in the morning. You don’t think about that, you just do it from force of habit.

– money thoughts are habits
– they’re formed when we are very young
– most keep them an entire lifetime
– very few people ever consciously change them
– they are directly tied to our self esteem
– thoughts of unworthiness show up in our money habits
– money thoughts can be changed
– it takes practice, practice, practice
– messy car, messy house, messy money
– money is an expression of energy/God

We spend more time thinking about money than we are aware. How much do I have? How much do I not have? When am I getting some more (payday)? Why can’t I get more? Why do rich people have so much? Why do rich people keep all the money? How can I get rich?

In The US we place so much emphasis on money. How much you do or don’t have is a way we measure people’s worth as human beings. “Lifestyles of The Rich & Famous” did nothing more than perpetuate class envy. The proverbial carrot was waived in front of peoples faces and that fueled hyper consumerism. Buy stuff and be somebody.

Listen to what people talk about in social circles, really listen. In my experience I’ve found most would rather discuss TV, sports, divorce, or sex than discuss their finances. Money is so taboo, it’s actually humorous.

It all goes back to the thought: How much we do or don’t have is a way we measure our worth as human beings. This is a huge error in thinking. What is money? It’s what you think about it. Your thoughts define money. Money doesn’t define you!

To Your Financial Freedom,
Greg Whitaker

© Greg Whitaker 2011, All rights reserved

Greg Whitaker

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Greg is a financial wellness educator, tireless ambassador for financial literacy, and the founder of Debt Shepherd.

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