The Power of Your Facebook

March 30, 2012 — Leave a comment

Next time you get good service from a company tell friends. Next time you post on facebook tell everyone about someone you know who is exceptional in some way. Explain how they are exceptional.

The power of your facebook is, well, taken for granted. Look at some of your friends and how many friends they have on fb. When you share truly interesting information it has the potential to reach thousands of people and beyond.

So promote someone else for a change. This month I got great customer service from Yellow Lark International. Anne is the head honcho there and she’s helping me put some pep in my monthly newsletter. Social media is what she does. I get great service so I’m promoting her.

Tell the world when you get great service. You never know who it might help other than the person whose praises you’re singing. Lift others up. What comes around goes around.

To Your Financial Freedom,
Greg Whitaker

Greg Whitaker

Posts Facebook

Greg is a financial wellness educator, tireless ambassador for financial literacy, and the founder of Debt Shepherd.

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