Collapse Review

May 30, 2011 — Leave a comment

The gentleman interviewed in the documentary “Collapse” is Michael C. Ruppert. I started following his writings in the year 2000. After 09/11/2001, my interest in what he had to say grew even more. The above movie trailer may be shocking to some, laughable to others, or a wake up call. It all depends on where you’re at on the scale of overall awareness.

Whether or not you understand and believe peak oil is a reality, the financial education aspect of the film “Collapse” is priceless. The movie trailer only scratches the surface. You have to see the film to appreciate how money and oil fit together.

I urge you to buy the DVD “Collapse”. It’s less than $11.00 plus shipping. Sit down and watch it with your spouse or partner. Watch it the entire way through the first time. Then talk about it if you have questions or aren’t sure of something in the film. Then watch it again.

If you want to know the truth about how the economy really works, you have to be willing to look for and absorb information that isn’t on your favorite TV news channel.


What is it?

Collapse is a documentary film that addresses Peak Oil, human population, and money. It addresses how all three are inexplicably intertwined.

Things I Like:

The film’s style is documentary and doesn’t use actors. The man being interviewed is talking about matters he has personally studied, lived, and agonized over for many years. It’s very personal, so we see a genuineness in the film that really brings it to life.

I’ve personally subscribed to his newsletter as far back as 2000. I now subscribe to his website

His website for the move Collapse states in bold letters at the top of the page:
“Collapse – It’s happened to every great civilization.” I appreciate that boldness. It’s a wake up call.

Things I Would Change:

The subject matter covered in the film is so big, I honestly wouldn’t be able to recommend any changes to it and keep a straight face.

Rating: 5

Highest rating will be 5 Stars.

Click on the link below for more information on Collapse. It’s also available on Netflix.

Collapse Movie

Greg Whitaker

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Greg is a financial wellness educator, tireless ambassador for financial literacy, and the founder of Debt Shepherd.

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